One college student's struggles to overthrow her slovenly ways

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Been a While

Okay, it's been a while since I last posted, and a lot has happened. For starters, my grandmother passed away. She waited until all of her kids had come in to say goodbye (the last one came from New Jersey). And as sad an event as this has been, she is no longer in pain.
In addition to that, I'm expecting my boss to call me any minute to let me know that she doesn't have enough children to need an aide and that I'm laid off. (I haven't worked at all this week.) Enrollment has dropped significantly, and another parent let me know that she's going to pull her son from the program. I've been out interviewing, and I'm filling out paperwork for the County Office of Education so that I can sub as a preschool teacher in a state program.
Enough bad news, there's good news too! Our friend Chris came in from out of town, and we got to spend a lot of time with him. It's been a few years since we've seen him, so we were very glad to catch up. Several years ago, he asked James to be the godfather of his children, so we got an update on my future godsons.
We ran into a couple of friends last night, and I found a new stretch partner. Our friend Daniel's girlfriend is almost as excited about stretching and crafting as I am, so it'll be good.
I've spent a lot of time working on Pat's scarf instead of the house. It's almost halfway done (not bad for a couple of weeks, huh?), and I can't *wait* to be done with rows and rows of garter stitch.
I got the yarn I need for my father's Christmas mittens. It's the same yarn that I used on Megan's shrug, but the colors are a beautiful faded denim and a kind of brownish cream. The two look fantastic together and I think that they'll work well with the pattern I've chosen.

Okay, enough of that. On to what you really want to know. My project for the week was to move terrariums around. Since Tyrannus died, my brother Jeremy gave us Leila, his leopard gecko. Since leos get stressed if you move the cages, we decided that it would be best if she stayed in her home and we just moved the whole thing here. It was the logical thing to do, but now we have one terrarium too many!

Long story short, I ended up moving around everything on/under the bar (where we had Tyrannus, and where we kept Leila until we got things shifted).

Ta Da!

Doesn't it look fantastic? I got rid of a set of canisters that we weren't really using for anything since they weren't airtight. I'm not sure whether we're going to store them or send them to hospice, but we'll figure that out later.

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