One college student's struggles to overthrow her slovenly ways

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hooray! The semester is over!

Okay, I'm feeling some pretty big emotions, and I know that if I go to bed right now I won't be able to sleep, so this is not house related, but here it is.

So this semester has been a rough one. I feel the need to share with the intertubes (for some strange reason) that I almost lost in my battle against depression this semester. But I stuck it out and trenched in and came out on the other side a stronger person (wow, three metaphors in one sentence for the win!). I lost the job I loved; helping to reform a preschool into a developmentally appropriate environment and am now working at a coffee shop. I really, really like my job now, and my boss is amazing to work with. My relationship with James went through a really rough patch, but we got through it.

But good things have happened, too! I've learned that I really really like dancing. I got a short walzing lesson tonight (AMAZING!) and have been taking ballet this semester. I also made some new friends and have strengthened some relationships. My knitting is coming along well, (Lil's getting an elephant for Christmas this year) and I'm working on my father's Christmas present (pics to come later). I met a friend from Ravelry (hooray!) and went to see Rocky Horror performed live with another who I haven't seen since HS.

I think (not entirely sure) that I got straight As this semester, and tonight I met a woman who teaches ballroom and spinning. (She's one of those talented people who I would love to hate if she weren't so nice.)

All in all, it was a really rough semester, but now it's over and life is looking pretty good. I'm very grateful for what I have right now, and I'm really appreciating my life.

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